JHipster release 4.11.0

What’s new

This release features 115 closed tickets and pull requests, here are the more important ones:

  • 开始使用 jhipster-dependencies BOM, 这将大大简化为了程序的升级方式。
  • Couchbase 支持, 除了目前 MongoDB 和 Cassandra,(以及 MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server!),又多了一种选择。
  • Switch back from Chromium to PhantomJS - this is going to impact everyone: if you ever had any issue downloading or running Puppeteer, we’ve switched back to our old system, which was running faster and smoother. Of course, in the long term, the plan is still to move to Puppeteer.

我们将 React 支持作为一个 “实验性” 的特性加入,我们知道很多人都在等待这个特性:

  • Please note this is experimental. Don’t expect it to work if you use non-default options, for example.
  • 要使用实验性特性,我们增加了一个 --experimental 标志:如果你运行 jhipster --experimental 你就能在选择前端框架的时候选择 React 选项了。
  • We need help to test and finish this implementation, so don’t hesitate to participate!

Closed tickets and merged pull requests

As always, you can check all closed tickets and merged pull requests here.

How to upgrade

Automatic upgrade

For an automatic upgrade, use the JHipster upgrade sub-generator on an existing application:

Upgrade your version of JHipster:

yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster

And then run the upgrade sub-generator:

jhipster upgrade

Manual upgrades

For a manual upgrade, first upgrade your version of JHipster with:

yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster

If you have an existing project, it will still use the JHipster version with which it was generated. To upgrade your project, you must first delete its node_modules folder and then run:


You can also update your project and all its entities by running

jhipster --with-entities

You can also update your entities one-by-one by running again the entity sub-generator, for example if your entity is named Foo

jhipster entity Foo

Help and bugs

If you find any issue with this release, don’t hesitate to:

If the issue you have is an urgent bug or security issue, please: