应用属性 (property) 配置说明

JHipster generates a Spring Boot application, and can be configured using the standard Spring Boot properties mechanism.

Those properties are configured at generation-time by JHipster, and often have different values in development and production modes: learn more about this in our Profiles documentation.

In a JHipster application, there are three kinds of properties:

  1. Spring Boot 标准属性
  2. JHipster 属性
  3. 应用专有的属性

Spring Boot 标准属性

JHipster 应用就是 Spring Boot 应用,所以你可以配置任何标准的 Spring Boot 应用属性.

JHipster 属性

JHipster 提供了一些属性,服务于 JHipster 服务端库。这些属性是所有 JHipster 项目的标准属性,但是其中一部分也依赖于你在构建项目时选择的组件,举例来说:jhipster.cache.hazelcast 属性只有在你选择了 Hazelcast 作为 Hibernate 二级缓存的时候才有效。

这些属性实现在类 io.github.jhipster.config.JHipsterProperties 里。



    # 异步调用的线程池
        core-pool-size: 2 # 初始化池大小
        max-pool-size: 50 # 最大池大小
        queue-capacity: 10000 # 池的 Queue 容量

    # Specific configuration for JHipster gateways
    # See https://www.jhipster.tech/api-gateway/ for more information on JHipster gateways
            enabled: false # Rate limiting is disabled by default
            limit: 100_000L # By default we allow 100,000 API calls
            duration-in-seconds: 3_600 # By default the rate limiting is reinitialized every hour
        authorized-microservices-endpoints: # Access Control Policy, if left empty for a route, all endpoints will be accessible
            app1: /api # recommended prod configuration, it allows the access to all API calls from the "app1" microservice

    # HTTP configuration
        # V_1_1 for HTTP/1.1 或 V_2_0 for HTTP/2.
        # 如果你要使用 SSL,设置 HTTP/2 (参考 the Spring Boot "server.ssl" configuration)
        version: V_1_1
        #Force the server cipher suite to follow the exact order specifying in server.ssl.ciphers (For perfect forward secrecy)
        useUndertowUserCipherSuitesOrder: true
        cache: # Used by io.github.jhipster.web.filter.CachingHttpHeadersFilter
            timeToLiveInDays: 1461 # Static assets are cached for 4 years by default

    # Hibernate 二级缓存, used by CacheConfiguration
        hazelcast: # Hazelcast configuration
            time-to-live-seconds: 3600 # By default objects stay 1 hour in the cache
            backup-count: 1 # Number of objects backups
            # Configure the Hazelcast management center
            # Full reference is available at: http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/management-center/3.9/manual/html/Deploying_and_Starting.html
                enabled: false # Hazelcast management center is disabled by default
                update-interval: 3 # Updates are sent to the Hazelcast management center every 3 seconds by default
                # Default URL for Hazelcast management center when using JHipster's Docker Compose configuration
                # See src/main/docker/hazelcast-management-center.yml
                # Warning, the default port is 8180 as port 8080 is already used by JHipster
                url: http://localhost:8180/mancenter
        ehcache: # Ehcache configuration
            time-to-live-seconds: 3600 # By default objects stay 1 hour in the cache
            max-entries: 100 # Number of objects in each cache entry
        infinispan: #Infinispan configuration
            config-file: default-configs/default-jgroups-tcp.xml
            # local app cache
                time-to-live-seconds: 60 # By default objects stay 1 hour (in minutes) in the cache
                max-entries: 100 # Number of objects in each cache entry
            #distributed app cache
                time-to-live-seconds: 60 # By default objects stay 1 hour (in minutes) in the cache
                max-entries: 100 # Number of objects in each cache entry
                instance-count: 1
            #replicated app cache
                time-to-live-seconds: 60 # By default objects stay 1 hour (in minutes) in the cache
                max-entries: 100 # Number of objects in each cache entry
        # Memcached configuration
        # Uses the Xmemcached library, see https://github.com/killme2008/xmemcached
         # Disabled by default in dev mode, as it does not work with Spring Boot devtools
            enabled: true
            servers: localhost:11211 # Comma or whitespace separated list of servers' addresses
            expiration: 300 # Expiration time (in seconds) for the cache
            use-binary-protocol: true # Binary protocol is recommended for performance (and security)

    # E-mail 属性
        enabled: false # If e-mail sending is enabled. The standard `spring.mail` keys will need to be configured
        from: jhipster@localhost # The default "from" address for e-mails
        base-url: # URL to the application, used inside e-mails

    # Spring Security 配置
        remember-me: # JHipster secure implementation of the remember-me mechanism, for session-based authentication
            # security key (this key should be unique for your application, and kept secret)
            key: 0b32a651e6a65d5731e869dc136fb301b0a8c0e4
        client-authorization: # Used with JHipster UAA authentication
            access-token-uri: # URL of the JHipster UAA server OAuth tokens
            token-service-id: # ID of the current application
            client-id: # OAuth client ID
            client-secret: # OAuth client secret
            jwt: # JHipster specific JWT implementation
                # The secret token should be encoded using Base64 (you can type `echo 'secret-key'|base64` on your command line).
                # If both properties are configured, the `secret` property has a higher priority than the `base64-secret` property.
                secret: # JWT secret key in clear text (not recommended)
                base64-secret:  # JWT secret key encoded in Base64 (recommended)
                token-validity-in-seconds: 86400 # Token is valid 24 hours
                token-validity-in-seconds-for-remember-me: 2592000 # Remember me token is valid 30 days

    # Swagger 配置
        default-include-pattern: /api/.*
        title: JHipster API
        description: JHipster API documentation
        version: 0.0.1

    # DropWizard Metrics 配置, used by MetricsConfiguration
        jmx: # Export metrics as JMX beans
            enabled: true # JMX is enabled by default
        # Send metrics to a Graphite server
        # Use the "graphite" Maven profile to have the Graphite dependencies
            enabled: false # Graphite is disabled by default
            host: localhost
            port: 2003
            prefix: jhipster
        # Send metrics to a Prometheus server
            enabled: false # Prometheus is disabled by default
            endpoint: /prometheusMetrics
        logs: # Reports Dropwizard metrics in the logs
            enabled: false
            reportFrequency: 60 # frequency of reports in seconds

    # Logging 配置, used by LoggingConfiguration
        logstash: # Forward logs to Logstash over a socket
            enabled: false # Logstash is disabled by default
            host: localhost # Logstash server URL
            port: 5000 # Logstash server port
            queue-size: 512 # Queue for buffering logs
        spectator-metrics: # Reports Netflix Spectator metrics in the logs
            enabled: false # Spectator is disabled by default

    # By default cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is enabled in "dev" mode for
    # monoliths and gateways.
    # It is disabled by default in "prod" mode for security reasons, and for microservices
    # (as you are supposed to use a gateway to access them).
    # This configures a standard org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfiguration
    # Note that "exposed-headers" is mandatory for JWT-based security, which uses
    # the "Authorization" header, and which is not a default exposed header.
        allowed-origins: "*"
        allowed-methods: "*"
        allowed-headers: "*"
        exposed-headers: "Authorization"
        allow-credentials: true
        max-age: 1800

    # Ribbon displayed on the top left-hand side of JHipster applications
        # Comma-separated list of profiles that display a ribbon
        display-on-active-profiles: dev


Your generated application can also have its own Spring Boot properties. This is highly recommended, as it allows type-safe configuration of the application, as well as auto-completion and documentation within an IDE.

JHipster has generated a ApplicationProperties class in the config package, which is already preconfigured, and it is already documented at the bottom the application.yml, application-dev.yml and application-prod.yml files. All you need to do is code your own specific properties.