
如果使用了 JPA,可以用 entity sub-generator 工具在实体对象之间创建关联关系。


关联关系设置只适用于 JPA。如果你在使用 Cassandra 或者 MongoDB 或者 Couchbase,该关系是不可用的。

一个管理关系作用于两个实体对象之间,JHipster 会创建以下代码:

  • 在实体对象内用 JPA 来管理这些关系
  • 创建正确的 Liquibase 变更记录,来维护数据库中的关联关系
  • 在前端的 Angular/React 代码中生成代码来让用户能在用户界面上图形化方式设置这些关系

JHipster UML 和 JDL Studio 工具

这篇文章标书的是用 JHipster 的命令行工具创建关联关系。如果你希望创建很多关系,建议使用图形化工具。


  • JHipster UML, 使你能够使用 UML 编辑器。
  • JDL Studio, 这是我们的在线实体对象及管理关系编辑工具,使用我们的 DSL (domain-specific language)。

你可以从一个 JDL 文件来使用 import-jdl sub-generator 创建实体对象及关联关系, 执行命令:jhipster import-jdl your-jdl-file.jh.


使用 JPA 时, 普通的一对多(one-to-many), 多对一(many-to-one), 多对多(many-to-many),一对一(one-to-one)关联关系有如下场景:

  1. 双向一对多(one-to-many)关系
  2. 单向多对一(many-to-one)关系
  3. 单向一对多(one-to-many)关系
  4. 两个一对多(one-to-many) 关系,在两个相同的实体对象上
  5. 多对多(many-to-many)关系
  6. 一对一(one-to-one)关系
  7. 单向一对一(one-to-one)关系

提示: 关于 User 对象

请注意关于 User 对象,是由 JHipster 管理的,特定的,你可以:

  • 创建管理这个对象的 many-to-one 关系 (比如一个 Car 可以有一个 many-to-one 关系来关联 User)。这能在你的 repository 里创建特定的查询,让你能根据用户做查询过滤,这个需求很普遍。在 Angular/React 创建的客户端界面上,你会在 Car 对象上得到一个下拉控件来选择 User
  • 创建 many-to-manyone-to-one 关系来关联 User 对象,但是对方实体 必须 是该关系的 owner, (Team 可以有一个 many-to-many 关系来关联 User,但只有 Team 才可以添加/移除 User,反过来 User 不能管理 Team)。在 Angular/React 的客户端界面上,你会得到一个 User 对象的多选框。


我们来定义两个实体对象,OwnerCar。一个 owner 可以拥有多辆 car,一个 car 只能有一个 owner。

这是一个非常普通的一对多(one-to-many)关系(一个 owner 拥有多个 car) 在“一”的一边, 以及一个多对一(many-to-one)关系 (多个 car 拥有同一个 owner) 在另一边对象上:

Owner (1) <-----> (*) Car

我们先创建 Owner。下面是创建 Owner 时的相关问题:

jhipster entity Owner
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Car
? What is the name of the relationship? car
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-many
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? owner


接下来创建 Car:

jhipster entity Car
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Owner
? What is the name of the relationship? owner
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-one
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Owner' do you want to use? id

同样的,可以用下面的 JDL 来完成

entity Owner
entity Car

relationship OneToMany {
  Owner{car} to Car{owner}

OK了,现在我们有了一个 one-to-many 关系。在 Angular/React 创建的客户端界面上有一个下拉框来选择 OwnerCar


在上面的例子里我们创建了双向关系: 从 Car 上你可以找到它的 owner,从 Owner 上你能找到它所有的 car。

多对一(many-to-one)关系意味着 car 对象可以关联到他们的 owner, 但反过来不行。

Owner (1) <----- (*) Car


  • 对于业务视角,你只在这种方式下使用你的对象。不需要一些允许开发人员实现一些不清楚的 API。
  • 需要做些性能优化在 Owner 上 (因为它不会管理 car 的集合)。

在这类场景下,你可以先创建 Owner,并且这次不要创建任何关联关系:

jhipster entity Owner
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? No

然后创建 Car ,和前面的例子一样:

jhipster entity Car
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Owner
? What is the name of the relationship? owner
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-one
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Owner' do you want to use? id

这前面的例子一样可以工作,但是你不能从 Owner 这一端添加或删除 car。在 Angular/React 创建的客户端界面上有一个下拉框来选择 OwnerCar 。 这是相关的 DDL:

entity Owner
entity Car

relationship ManyToOne {
  Car{owner} to Owner


单向的一对多(one-to-many)关系是指 Owner 对象管理 Car 的集合,但是反过来不管。这个和上面的例子是相反的。

Owner (1) -----> (*) Car

这种关系类型是目前 JHipster 不支持的,参考 #1569


  • 设置一个双向映射,且禁止修改:这是我们目前推荐的方式,使用起来也比较方便
  • 设置一个双向映射,然后修改为一个单向的映射:
    • 删除 @OneToMany 注解上的 “mappedBy” 属性
    • 创建关联表:执行 mvn liquibase:diff,参考 使用 Liquibase diff

这在 JDL 里面是不支持。

两个一对多(one-to-many) 关系,在两个相同的实体对象上

在这个例子里,一个 Person 对象可以是多个 Car 的 owner ,同时他也可以成为多个 Car 的司机:

Person (1) <---owns-----> (*) Car
Person (1) <---drives---> (*) Car

为了实现这种关系,我们需要设置关系的 name 属性,在之前的例子里我们使用了它们的默认值。

创建 Person 对象,有两个 one-to-many 关系关联 Car

jhipster entity Person
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Car
? What is the name of the relationship? ownedCar
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-many
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? owner
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Car
? What is the name of the relationship? drivedCar
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-many
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? driver

创建 Car 对象,使用在 Person 里配置的关系属性名称:

jhipster entity Car
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Person
? What is the name of the relationship? owner
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-one
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Person' do you want to use? id
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Person
? What is the name of the relationship? driver
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-one
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Person' do you want to use? id

也可以用一下的 JDL 来实现:

entity Person
entity Car

relationship OneToMany {
  Person{ownedCar} to Car{owner}

relationship OneToMany {
  Person{drivedCar} to Car{driver}

Car 对象现在可以同时拥有 driver 和 owner,都是 Person 对象。在 Angular/React 生成的前端界面上,会有选择 Personowner 字段的下拉框。


一个司机 Driver 可以驾驶多个汽车,同时 Car 也可以拥有多个司机对象。

Driver (*) <-----> (*) Car

在数据库层面,我们需要一个关联表来关联 DriverCar 表。

使用 JPA,这两者中的一个需要负责管理这个关系: 在我们的例子里,使用 Car 来负责添加或删除司机。

先来创建这个关系的非管理方(non-owning side),Driver 对象,拥有一个 many-to-many 关系:

jhipster entity Driver
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Car
? What is the name of the relationship? car
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-many
? Is this entity the owner of the relationship? No
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? driver

然后创建 Car,作为 many-to-many 关系的管理方(owning side):

jhipster entity Car
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Driver
? What is the name of the relationship? driver
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-many
? Is this entity the owner of the relationship? Yes
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Driver' do you want to use? id

也可以用一下的 JDL 来实现:

entity Driver
entity Car

relationship ManyToMany {
  Car{driver} to Driver{car}

这就ok了,你现在拥有了一个在两个对象之间的 many-to-many 多对多关系。在 Angular/React 创建的 Car 对象的客户端界面上,会有一个多选下拉框来选择多个 Driver,因为 Car 是管理方。


下面的例子里, one-to-one 一对一关系意味着一个 Driver 只能驾驶一辆 Car,并且一辆 Car 只能被一个 Driver 开。

Driver (1) <-----> (1) Car

先来创建非管理方(non-owning side),我们的 Driver 对象:

jhipster entity Driver
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Car
? What is the name of the relationship? car
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-one
? Is this entity the owner of the relationship? No
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? driver

然后是 Car,管理方:

jhipster entity Car
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Driver
? What is the name of the relationship? driver
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-one
? Is this entity the owner of the relationship? Yes
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? car
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Driver' do you want to use? id

也可以用一下的 JDL 来实现:

entity Driver
entity Car

relationship OneToOne {
  Car{driver} to Driver{car}

现在你拥有了 one-to-one 关系!在 Angular/React 创建的客户端界面上,Car 界面上有一个选择 Driver 的下拉框,因为 Car 是管理方。


单向一对一(one-to-one)关系意味着 citizen 实例可以管理他的护照 Passport,但是 passport 获取不到 Owner

Citizen (1) -----> (1) Passport

创建 Passport,不配置任何关系:

jhipster entity Passport
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? No

然后是 Citizen

jhipster entity Citizen
Generating relationships with other entities
? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? Passport
? What is the name of the relationship? passport
? What is the type of the relationship? one-to-one
? Is this entity the owner of the relationship? Yes
? What is the name of this relationship in the other entity? citizen
? When you display this relationship with Angular, which field from 'Passport' do you want to use? id

完成后,Citizen 处理护照,但是反过来 Passport 不管理 Citizen。在 Angular/React 创建的客户端界面上, Citizen 界面有一个下拉框选择 Passport

也可以用一下的 JDL 来实现:

entity Citizen
entity Passport

relationship OneToOne {
  Citizen{passport} to Passport