A JHipster 插件是一个 Yeoman 的 generator,和 JHipster 命令工具(sub-generator)composed ,集成了 JHipster 的一些通用功能。JHipster 插件还能将自己注册为一个 JHipster generator 的钩子程序。
JHipster 插件库在 JHipster marketplace。
运行创建第三方插件并能访问 JHipster 的变量和功能,并且表现得和标准 JHipster sub-generators 一样。 The hook mechanism invokes third-party generators before and after app generation and entity generation.
The JHipster Fortune module generates a “fortune cookie” page in a JHipster-generated application.
It is our sample module that showcases how you can use JHipster’s variables and functions in order to create your own generator.
Or, you can use the JHipster module generator to help you to initialize your module.
Basic rules for a JHipster module
A JHipster module:
- is an NPM package, and is a Yeoman generator.
- follows an extension of the Yeoman rules listed at http://yeoman.io/generators/ and can be installed, used and updated using the “yo” command. Instead of being prefixed by “generator-“, it is prefixed by “generator-jhipster-“, and instead of having just the “yeoman-generator” keyword, it must have two keywords, “yeoman-generator” and “jhipster-module”.
- A JHipster module registering as a hook should not call
in its generators being hooked.
Import the generator-jhipster
A JHipster module must import the generator-jhipster:
const util = require('util');
const BaseGenerator = require('generator-jhipster/generators/generator-base');
const jhipsterConstants = require('generator-jhipster/generators/generator-constants');
const JhipsterGenerator = generator.extend({});
util.inherits(JhipsterGenerator, BaseGenerator);
module.exports = JhipsterGenerator.extend({
// all your yeoman code here
Then, you can access to JHipster’s variables and functions directly.
JHipster will call certain hooks before and after some of its tasks, currently available and planned tasks are listed below.
- Post Entity creation hook
- Pre Entity creation hook [planned]
- Post App creation hook [planned]
- Pre App creation hook [planned]
JHipster module generator now has option to generate this.
A JHipster module can register to act as a hook when its main generator is run by the end user. You need to call the registerModule
method from your main (app) generator to register as hook, you need to pass the below parameters in the method as below
this.registerModule(npmPackageName, hookFor, hookType[, callbackSubGenerator[, description]])
npm package name of the generator. e.g:jhipster-generator-fortune
which Jhipster hook from above this should be registered to ( values must beentity
where to hook this at the generator stage ( values must bepre
[optional] sub generator to invoke, if this is not given the module’s main (app) generator will be called, e.g:bar
[optional] description of the generator, if this is not given we will generate a default based on the npm name given
Available variables and functions
Variables from configuration:
You have to use this function:
You can access to configuration in .yo-rc.json
this.jhipsterAppConfig = this.getJhipsterAppConfig();
this.baseName = this.jhipsterAppConfig.baseName;
this.packageName = this.jhipsterAppConfig.packageName;
this.clientFramework = this.jhipsterAppConfig.clientFramework;
Global variables:
You can use constants in generator-constants:
const javaDir = `${jhipsterConstants.SERVER_MAIN_SRC_DIR + this.packageFolder}/`;
const resourceDir = jhipsterConstants.SERVER_MAIN_RES_DIR;
const webappDir = jhipsterConstants.CLIENT_MAIN_SRC_DIR;
You can use all functions in generator-base:
this.angularAppName = this.getAngularAppName(); // get the Angular application name.
this.printJHipsterLogo(); // to print the JHipster logo
Note: The functions in generator-base.js
and variables in generator-constants.js
are part of public API and hence will follow semver versioning. But other files like generator-base-private.js
, utils.js
etc will not follow semver versioning and might break method signature across minor versions.
Registering a module to the JHipster marketplace
To have your module available in the JHipster marketplace, you need to make sure you have the 2 keyword yeoman-generator
and jhipster-module
in your published npm package.json
If you find any entry in the marketplace which is not a JHipster module, you can help to blacklist it by adding it to the blacklistedModules
section of the modules-config.json file by doing a Pull Request to the jhipster/jhipster.github.io project.
Your module will become “verified” if the JHipster team verifies it.
Once you publish your module to NPM, your module will become available in our marketplace.